I wasn't feeling very crafty this weekend. I still wanted to do something constructive with Jacq so I thought sponge painting would be an easy, fun idea. Boy was I wrong. I'll let the pictures explain.
Here is my pallet. I took a big sponge and squirted a few colors on it. Then took a normal sponge so she could paint it and then dab it on the poster board. It started out well.
This is where it started to turn.
This was the point of no return.
She had a lot of fun though. It was straight to the bath after this activity. It's only tuesday and I already feel like it is thursday. By thursdays, I am DONE and can't wait for friday to be over. I don't know why I am so tired and have no energy. Don't worry, unfortunately I'm not pregnant. But it would make all the tiredness at least worth it. Oh well, maybe this time next year. Keep your fingers crossed!
ETA: Photobucket is REALLY pissing me off. I have re-uploaded and re-sized all these pics 3 freaking times and a few of them STILL aren't posting right! WTF?