Seriously. I ate so much yesterday I think I should be ok not to eat through the weekend. We went over to Marc's parents house. It was fun to have everyone around. Jacq was a little grumpy but she did start to walk! Just got up and took off across the living room and into the kitchen. Yeah. Here are some pics.
Mondays are pretty boring. Back to work, nothing good on prime time tv, and I have to go to bed early to get up on time tomorrow. Nothing really to post about so I thought I would post some pics. All these were taken tonight with my new bad ass lens that I bought myself. You can tell I am adjusting to the focus but this baby is awesome. Enjoy!
As I posted last week we haven't been doing much in the way of crafts lately. This is the first weekend without the cast so naturally it was time to dive back in. I found a few cute Thanksgiving crafts but really wanted to do something where Jacq could just have fun and the activity wasn't so structured. I also thought it would be nice to get her outside. The doctor told us no parks, slides, swings, etc for 3 weeks. She also still isn't walking. I figured some good old fashion finger painting fun was in order. So here ya go!
TIP: Reuse yogurt cups to hold your paints. Applesauce cups work well too!
As you can imagine it was straight to the bathtub after this. She had a blast and it was nice to spend some time outside. For those of you not in Arizona, yes it is late November and its still warm enough to sit outside half naked.